This illustration was created for The Office of the Chief of Public Affairs' Digital Media Division (OCpa dmd) to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of u.s. army psychological operations for the u.s. army social media platforms.
As there is not a lot of releasable imagery available featuring psychological operations, I decided to depict a pamphlet drop by creating a vector graphic of a helicopter and four pieces of paper with different shapes and shading that could be duplicated many times. for the background I created a bulleye shape, overlaid with a hexagonal pattern, to represent a signal being broadcast.
The animated version was a last minute request and the illustration was not designed with animation in mind. It was done by separating the illustrator file into 3d layers in after effects , overlaid with an additional cloud video layer. additional pamphlets were created in BLender using cloth and wind physics, with reduced gravity, to give the illusion that there is more movement.
commemorative illustration for the anniversary u.s. army psychological operations
Adobe illustrator / photoshop / after effects / blender